Surface II
When I perceive You... I return.
When I perceive You... I return.
Some paintings don't need words, just stop for a moment and be.
I perceive the painting Time by horizontal parts, I "read" it and look at the details.
Colors: shades of brown, light pink and a shade of gold.
Pokud se Vám líbí, napište si prosím o informace. Vše zde bude doplněno v nejbližší době.
... as a response to the challenges that come our way. Behind these words is courage and life itself ...
The shipping is calculated individually according to the country the painting is sent to.
The shipping is calculated individually according to the country the painting is sent to.
"Behind the mask of ice that people wear, there beats a heart of fire" Paulo Coelho
The shipping is calculated individually according to the country the painting is sent to.